Sunday, March 22, 2015

AMW Cooks: Stuffed Egg with Pork

Recipe Day!
The recipe I will share is dedicated to my mom!  Whenever she cooks this dish way back when I was really young, gives me the happiness I can't explain!  A very simple food yet it warms the tummy and heart!

In return, cooking this makes Mr. AMW the happiest man alive!  #hehehe  The moment he got home, he saw this dish on the table and smiled: "I think that is not enough!" #hahaha

Stuffed Egg with Pork

  • Ground Pork
  • Eggs
  • Corn Starch
  • Water
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Oil
 How to Cook:

  • Prepare the eggs and boil them for 7-8 minutes (until hardboiled)
  • Once the eggs are cool, slice them half lengthwise.
  • Remove yolks to a different bowl. (Check out 1 egg with 2 yolks!) :P
  • Mash the yolk into fine crumbles and mix it with ground pork, add salt, pepper, cornstarch and a bit of water. 

  • Evenly disperse the yolk mixture into the egg whites. Make it "overflow".  The extra yolk mixtures can be fried as "meatballs" if you ran out of egg whites.

  • Pan fry them starting at the base of the egg white then gently flip it to the opposite side.  It takes around 8-10 minutes to make sure the pork is really cooked.

Enjoy your very simple yet unique dish! :)
Will you give this dish a try?

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