So we are now on the stage of choosing the best Learning Center for my son. It's summer, so it's perfect timing to try out some summer classes before the actual class by the start of schoolyear. Truth be told, as much as possible, I try not to put pressure on Kyle too much, he's always been a learner, always ready to study with mommy and always excited to read books with me! So when it comes to choosing his "preschool" I am opting for a class that combines learning and fun!
Thanks to Marv De Leon of Freelance Blend for introducing me to Little Archers Learning Center (LALC). With his suggestion, I went ahead and took Kyle for a trial class! I actually went for PlayCare and photos below were from our 2nd class.
Little Archers Branch: SM MOA
LALC incorporate multimedia and multi-sensory experiences in the learning process, involving their students with countless activities to be themselves. They offer different In-House programs to suit the needs of your infants, toddlers and kids!
Here's a quick overview of the programs available at LALC ---
I-FLEx (Infants)
Before they walk and talk, they interact. And I've seen a lot of cute interaction going on between infants that
were brought by parents! I wish I knew about LALC early on so Kyle is
more willing to interact with other kids at a very young age. The room
is safe and have adult supervision.
T-FLEx (Toddlers)
Toddlers can engage in wonderful activites ranging from art, to music and mmovement, to dancing and singing as they start to explore their world. They are called Purple Archers.
N-FLEx (Nursery)
The Yellow Archers are emerging into the world thus their skills are developed and confidence is built as their body grow stronger.
PK-FLEx (Pre-Kinder)
Orange Archers will master reading and writing simple words, simple math equations and basic concepts in science and technology. Here, they also get to learn to read books by themselves and have the autonomy to do and learn what they want.
K-FLEx (Kinder)
Also called the Blue Archers. This is a stage were they progressed to reading and writing sentences, doing advanced mathematical equations and have deeper grasp and appreciation of science.
Also called the Blue Archers. This is a stage were they progressed to reading and writing sentences, doing advanced mathematical equations and have deeper grasp and appreciation of science.
This is a 2 hour session were parents can shop, work or have lunch with friends as our kids can join LALC's daily program of fun and learning. Available at SM MOA and Makati Branch and I was able to try this out!
They have a huge "fence" that I like! Kids can run around and parents don't have to worry about them leaving out of the premise.
There are also several "teachers" that assist each class so I appreciate that all the kids are well-taken care off!
The Playcare started with kids going outside of the Learning Center. They start with a prayer and greetings! Then the teacher for the day will start immediately with song and dance number!
Kyle Nash having fun!
Okay, too much fun he just can't sit down! But what I like about Playcare is that the kids can be who they want to be! The teachers guide them but never force them to do the things they don't like to do!
After a quick song and dance number outisde, the kids were ushered in for some lessons! They learn colors, numbers and shapes.
Because my son was so used to having me around, I hid from him to make sure he can concentrate in class. Thankfully, he didn't look for me for the first 1.5 hours of class because he was having fun! I also appreciate the fact that teachers were sensitive enough to give special attention and care to students who are new. Plus points to them for genuinely loving the presence of noisy kids! :D
Activity time!
Teacher guided Kyle for some pasting of 3 piggies!
Teacher guided Kyle for some pasting of 3 piggies!
Kyle's favorite activity - finger painting!
As a parent, I'm sure all of you can understand my fear of my son throwing tantrums! Well, he did! For the last 30 minutes but it is such a nice experience for me to gauge if my son is ready for school or not! Based from the smile and excitement from previous activities, I know he is! He just need to get used to being away from mommy for several hours!
Playcare is a wonderful chance for parents to see if their kids are ready for preschool. You don't have to commit for a 1 year class yet without having to "feel" if you are comfortable enough to let your kids enroll in the said Learning Center.
Playcare is a wonderful chance for parents to see if their kids are ready for preschool. You don't have to commit for a 1 year class yet without having to "feel" if you are comfortable enough to let your kids enroll in the said Learning Center.
For more information about Little Archers Learning Center (LALC), visit Like them on Facebook (, follow them on Twitter and Instagram (@LittleArchers)
What age did you send your toddlers to preschool?
Do you think we should start them young?
Do you think we should start them young?
Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

I remember that I didn't have separation anxiety unlike my younger sibling. I started schooling at the age of two because I got jealous of my neighbors. I'm glad that there are already learning centers like this to "test waters" with kids before committing to it.
ReplyDeletebuti ka pa! hahahah Kyle is super clingy sa akin talaga..well.. I work from home kasi so he sees me everyday!