Last April 11, I went to the SUPER 8 Grocery Warehouse Funfest at the World Trade Center Manila (still ongoing until today by the way from (9:00am to 7:00pm!) and I find myself in a shopping wonderland as I see familiar and well-used brands available at prices that were discounted na, discounted pa!
So I had 1 shopping bag ready and realized.... 1 is not enough!
What I see are brands that I really use in my own household sold by bulk at a very affordable price! And that's not it! I get to taste and sample a lot of the products during the event! My hands were super full but I can't stop eating and drinking!
I love how each booth were well decorated with various designs from each brand. Each booth has their own fun activities!
Tatay's Carinderia sells Crispy Fry powder packs! I personally use these a lot in my cooking - Onion Rings, Mojos and even my Fried Chicken - I also love their newest variant - NORI!
I was able to sample Locally drinks and checked out discounts if purchased by bulk!
Then, I walked ahead and passed by noodles area, we all know Filipinos love their noodle soup no matter how hot the weather is. I call this my comfort food so I checked out the Lucky Me booth and sampled some!
It's funny how I know all the taste of these products by heart but I still find myself lining up for a good cup of coffee as kids were lining up for their Koko Krunch and Nestle Chuckie chocolate drink!
More sampling
Then I passed by Stik-O and can't help but take a photo of this booth, I grew up loving this brand and my mom would let me eat a couple of sticks lang because it should be well-divided among us 4 siblings!
The chips-lover in me wanted to line up at the Oishi booth but I let it pass since I have a lot of Oishi chips at home! Yes mamsh, may stock ako!
And you see not only food but even Beauty and Personal Care brands featured during the Funfest!
Walking through booth after booth, aisle after aisle, I get to feel how it really feels like to shop at a Super8 Grocery Warehouse. They cater 50% direct consumers and 50% resellers. That said, they make sure the buyers get the highest savings for their heroic quest for the best deals for their businesses and families.
During the Super 8 Funfest 2019, they also launched the NEW SUPER 8 NEGOSYO CARD! That's the best gift the company can give to their loyal customers, WHY? Because Super 8 NEGOSYO CARD enables them to earn up to 2% NEGOSYO REBATES and avail of EXCLUSIVE RESELLER PROMOS ON TOP OF the best deals and prices they get every time they shop at Super 8!
Ang cute lang because during the event, they also showcased thrilling performances by the HEROES and HEROINES of the Philippine Entertainment:, the BIDAs like Jericho Rosales, Vhong Navarro, and more! They really make sure to give back to their loyal customers by creating fun events like this PLUS --- TODAY, a lucky BIDANG SHOPPER will get to take home Grand Prize of a brand-new TOYOTA AVANZA! Super bongga talaga their love for their customers! So if you plan to get that chance to win and enjoy the shopping experience I did, they are OPEN for everyone on their last day (today) FREE ADMISSION!
While you're at it, please check out their home brand - GREAT BUY! I was able to cook the Super 8 Great Buy Pancit Canton and it tastes really good! No difference from the branded and more expensive ones!
Basic commodities like Sugar, Water, eggs - you get that at the lowest price ever with assured quality!
Party plates
Cooking oil etc...
Tissue Paper
Always check out their Great Offer!
And promo!
And loads of FREEBIES!
Now, me being part of the FUNFEST is not the only highlight of my day last April 11th, how lucky am I to get the chance to sit in the same room and have an intimate interview with Super 8's CEO Mr. Alvin Lim and Super 8's Business Group Director Mr. Armand Mendoza.
During the very fun and informal interview, I learned so much about the company and its' culture. I can immediately sense that Mr. Lim is a very hands-on boss who knows a lot not only about his business and but also his people. Alvin Lim is a very passionate individual, after a local retailer Uniwide became insolvent, he rented out seven stores from them and started from there. Today, Super 8 operates 70 stores and hopes to increase more before the year ends.
Mr. Armand and Alvin prides and talks a lot about their customer service: "Try to shop in any Super 8 store and we assure you, you'll get the best customer service!"
They pride about being the first company to offer free delivery on purchases over a certain amount! They've been doing this for the past 12 years! Aside from that being one of their biggest success stories, they are aiming for E-commerce as their next project!
During the interview, when they were asked to leave a message for resellers and consumers like YOU and Me, we were left with 3 words (in my mind I thought it was I LOVE YOU - yes, Mr. Lim is humorous by the way!) but the answer was: "COME, TRY and BUY".
That said, I was actually influenced to TRY a SUPER 8 store because I ended up scheduling my next grocery shopping event at a nearby Super 8 store!
Have you tried shopping at a Super 8 store?
How was your experience?
Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

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