Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Taipei Travel: Yomi Hotel Review

I am a researcher by profession, I also graduated with honors Bachelors in Science in TOURISM.  I used to dream to be a tour guide, a travel coordinator, an agent.  That part of my dream did not happen but it happened in so many different ways.

Me touring my colleagues when I worked in China as I speak the language.  

Me creating our special itinerary whenever we travel.
Me doing all sorts of tour guide jobs whenever friends from different countries arrive here.

So yes, that job I take seriously and our last minute decision to go on family vacation while Kyle is on summer break tested my research skill once again!  And so far, my gut-feel did not fail me!  I booked one of the best hotel in Taipei and mind you - it isn't even pricey! 

P.S. NOT SPONSORED.  But totally happy with this 3-star hotel!

A tip to mommies or even non-mommies - start with your daily accommodation budget and stat from there, that way, you won't get overwhelm with a LONG list of hotel.  Next, read reviews via TripAdvisor or Agoda.  Take time to read them one by one before you take the plunge! Thing to note for?  How far it is located from public transport, what can the hotel offer?  Do they have nearby convenience stores?  What are the places you want to visit and if all else's fail, how long will it take to take a taxi/cab from your hotel to the place of interest?   (this is very important if you have kids!  at some point, you may feel extremely tired so taxi will be the last option and you don't want to spend too much if the point of interest is far from your hotel!)

That said, I booked a hotel at ZhongShan district because our points of interest are the ff.: Children's Amusement Park, Children's Astronomical Museum, Shilin Market, Taipei Zoo, etc...

If your points of interests are touristy spots like Chiang Kai Shek, Taipei 101, Ximen, etc... you may opt to look for hotels at Taipei Main Station are, Ximenting, etc..

Now back to Yomi Hotel, I got around 3 hotels fit to our budget to go for.  The reason why Yomi won after reading reviews from fellow travelers who have kids!  Now, with pictures, let me share to you why this Hotel WON!

Kid-friendly room, meaning, good-sized bed and spacious room and bathroom!

a photo of YOMI Hotel Taipei Taiwan Review by Nikki Tiu of askmewhats.com

Huge TV with several channels that are kid-friendly!  We forgot our Chromecast but yay for Disney Channel (note: you just have to change the language setting as they were originally in Chinese!)  But yes, this kid-friendly TV gave me time to put on makeup, dry my hair, change clothes while Kyle enjoy his own me-time.

a photo of YOMI Hotel Taipei Taiwan Review by Nikki Tiu of askmewhats.com

Now, the FREEBIES list goes ON AND ON AND ON!  Seriously, I can't find another hotel who offers such!

Free use of WIFI unit, you just have to go to the reception area and make sure to return it by 12:00am.  If you stay for 5 days, you can borrow it every single day FOR FREE!  I did not borrow a WIFI unit as I brought my own Big Sky Nation!

a photo of YOMI Hotel Taipei Taiwan Review by Nikki Tiu of askmewhats.com

FREE cup noodles, Doritos, water, coffee and tea EVERY DAY (as long as you ask them to clean your room daily!)  You just have to make sure to pick this option as Yomi Hotel offers several options, the other option is free 1-way transportation to and from hotel without these freebies.

a photo of YOMI Hotel Taipei Taiwan Review by Nikki Tiu of askmewhats.com

Local Mobile phone you can tote along with you.  This is connected to the hotel staff so just in case you get lost and don't speak the language, you can call (local calls) to the hotel and seek help!  This also have wifi or internet connection, so seriously, what more can you ask for?

They also have all sorts of cables!  You can charge all your phones without having to bring yours!

a photo of YOMI Hotel Taipei Taiwan Review by Nikki Tiu of askmewhats.com

Separately bath, it comes with a cute bathtub that Kyle enjoys so much!  They also have dispenser for Shampoo, Conditioner, Liquid Bath Soap etc... they also offer basic amenities like Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Shower Cap, Comb, etc...

a photo of YOMI Hotel Taipei Taiwan Review by Nikki Tiu of askmewhats.com

The toilet is Japanese style so even if you travel on colder season, your won't sit on cold toilet!  It is just amazing!

a photo of YOMI Hotel Taipei Taiwan Review by Nikki Tiu of askmewhats.com

Surprisingly, the space is well designed.  On the corner near the curtain, there is an ample space to store your clothes, they have hangers and also a safe for you to store your important stuff when you go on tour!

a photo of YOMI Hotel Taipei Taiwan Review by Nikki Tiu of askmewhats.com

And for a 3-star hotel, you'd think that's enough!  Well, scroll further down to see our family's favorite spot!  Basement of the hotel is where breakfast takes place.  We have free buffet breakfast every single day, the dishes are simple but filling.  I know a lot are complaining about their breakfast when you read reviews but SERIOUSLY, with the rate you pay, this is worth it!  They have good croissants, breads, congee, etc.. and guess what? FREE FLOWING Coffee and Tea 24/7!  That's not all!  You can use their computer for FREE and they have games!  (Hello Nintendo!  Hello Childhood memories!)

And prior to going to Taipei, I knew you can borrow strollers for babies or kids, but we just wanted ours as ours is lightweight.  But just in case, you don't have to bring strollers because the HOTEL will let you use theirs for FREE.

And if you are into bicycles!  They have 2 bicycles outside the hotel FREE to use!  

a photo of YOMI Hotel Taipei Taiwan Review by Nikki Tiu of askmewhats.com

And tipid travel tips?  Bring your water jug, we fill our jug every day before leaving the hotel!  That saves us on buying water!

a photo of YOMI Hotel Taipei Taiwan Review by Nikki Tiu of askmewhats.com

Mr. AMW wanted to print our early check-in boarding pass, we were able to do so again, FREE OF CHARGE!  They have printer right beside the computer.

a photo of YOMI Hotel Taipei Taiwan Review by Nikki Tiu of askmewhats.com

And that's not all, the staffs are friendly, there is a guy who speaks flawless English who helps us hail a cab!  He doesn't have to do that, major hotel chains would give you directions and leave it to bellboy to help you out, he, on the other hand went out of his desk, out of his way to help us hail a cab!  That is SUPERB service!

And they also have free massage chairs to use also at the basement area, I didn't know about that until last day!  Sayang!
For 4 nights, we paid only Php15,000++ adding approximately Php1,000 on day 1 as we arrived early and check-in time is 3:00pm.  NOT BAD!  I will definitely go back and book this hotel again!

Just in case, closest MRT is around 340m called ShuangLian station, it connects to Taipei Main Station and other important sites.  Their subway is SUPER Convenient even Kyle doesn't need to stand up from his stroller.  We pushed him all the way until Taipei zoo which took 2 transfers!

Taipei and Yomi Hotel, you are both AMAZING!

I'll talk more if you want me to!  Do you want to me talk about Child-friendly activities to do in Taipei?

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

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