"Though shall not pile on make up!"
That has been my make up goal ever since I started my make up journey! I remembered Keith telling me how much blush I had on! "Parang binugbog ka!" . Or when I have foundation too thick that doesn't match the color of my neck, I get real feedbacks (On time pa!) I appreciate that a lot because I learn so much through this journey!
Today, after more than a decade of testing, reviewing and using makeup! I am surprised how I can't get enough of this profession. There's always something new to share and learn and I'm sharing yet another makeup tricks and tips for those who wants to create Flawless Looking Skin! Key phrase ---
"Less is indeed more!"
I hope you enjoyed this and let me know if you learn something from me!
I'll share more tips and tricks soon! Please do follow me on Instagram for real updates!
Shameless plug - I'm really funny on IG Stories :P
Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

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