Sunday, July 20, 2008

Askmewhats Reviews: MAC Lipliner in Ginger

I don't know about you guys, but I am a fast-paced individual who loves to go for the short-cut! It isn't even an exception with make-up! I love 2-in1's. I love to use lesser products as much as possible.

I did say: "Shame on you guys for creating lip liners. Totally waste of time and money!"
and now....I'm eating my words, because...

I own this...

Here's how MAC Lip Liner in Ginger looks like when swatched

You know why I started with a "hate" relationship with lip liners?

Because ---
  • my lips (again) are super dry and putting on lipliner will just make it drier!

But you know why I should "love" a lip liner?

Because ---
  • I have a li'l bit of discoloration on the sides of my lips
  • I've got full lips but it's not defined
Don't get me wrong, I didn't purchase my first lip liner. This was a gift from my Aunt I am glad I am "Nikki the curious ever clown!". I'm glad I gave MAC Lip liner in Ginger chance because I love this!!!

I still have a lot of "non-lip liner" days...but on good days that I felt like prettifying myself? I grab on this and I'm loving this! I love the Ginger color on me as it looks so natural on my lips! During those lazy days, I would just use lip balm and just go through the lip liner all over my lips!! <--- Au Naturelle! And may I add? It looks great to almost everybody!
What's your thoughts on lipliners? Totally worth the money? Or waste of money?


  1. That's very versatile color!

    I have only one lip liner and it's also from MAC, it's called Ginger root! LOL. it's a nudey color, sometimes i like to fill my lips with it! haha.

  2. Lip liners for me......


    ... are a waste of money!

    But that's just for me. I've got pretty defined, full lips (at least I think I do :P). Even lipstick is a bit much. A lick of gloss is really all I can handle!

    But I can see why lipliners are a godsend for some people. Glad you enjoy yours!

  3. I used to wear lipliners a lot..and also used it as a multi purpose, both as liner and as lipstick...although I have to say it's quite a waste of money.

    Alright you can have Universe, I'll settled for Miss World...which is bigger btw?! LOL

  4. I use to wear lip liner as well; not anymore. My favorite from MAC is Spice, the natural one.

  5. *grasp* :O tell me, most of the bullies I've known are rather ugly and disgusting but you my dear is just everything opposite. How did you manage to hide your true self?!!! HAHA

  6. Nicnic, I think ginger root is also ginger? or is it different? I love this ginger color so versatile!

    Liz, lucky you for not needing any lipliners! I would love to skip it..but there are days I really need 'em :)

    Ebeautyblog, yes, its funny how times would change, sometimes you can't live without a certain product, but at times you need them so much! ONE huge example TEA TREE OIL! lol

    Alyssa, I've heard a lot about MAC in spice! yes, it is a great color too. A lot of people who haven't used lipliners for quite some time eh?

    ebeautyblog...darn you! LOL darn you for saying I'm hiding my true self! shame on you! i never hide..i'm showing to the world how many times i've been bullying you and I'm loving it! LOL

  7. Thanks for swatching and a very convincing review. I used to use Rimmel in Addiction to tone down the pigmentation in my lips and make the lipstick last much longer. But I hate the drier feeling it gives me. Anyway, I love lipsticks.. and weird but I enjoy re-applying it.

  8. i dont really fancy using lip liner cos to me it seems a bit 80s, but you're right, sometimes it is necessary to use them to define the lipline... especially for photos ya? v. important to blend properly...

  9. Oh no, sis! How did you survive without lip liner all these time? ;) I could never wear lipstick or lipgloss without lipliner. Not even when I'm in a hurry. Everytime I buy lipstick an lipgloss, I always make sure that I've got a lipliner to match. It's never a waste of money as far as I'm concerned ;)... It's one of the God's gift to women ha ha ha!

  10. photos photos! show us how it looks like on yr lips! :D

  11. i don't use lipliners too although i know i should to prevent my lipstick from bleeding but i just can't justify myself from buying even just one! i just try to control my lipstick application so when i set the color it won't bleed or i just wipe off the excess lol.

  12. are they expensive? i haven't tried buying one for myself. i got one as a gift. tried using it but end up crooked. haha!

  13. JieJie, you can always try testers before you buy it :) In this way, you won't be wasting money on something useless! I am like that! I test it on me many times before I get convinced lol

    Paint me gorgeous, so true! a well defined lips are great on photos! but yeah, I'm one of those lazy ones who skipped on lipliners at times...

    Gracie, that's something I learned about you! You never wear lippies without lipliners! You really deserve to be Ms. Samantha *winks* good way ok? don't take it wrongly lol you know how much i love you to tease you

    Prettybeautiful, you don't get tired of my lip photos? I get tired looking at my own lips, but I'll do it as soon as I have the chance :D

    Mhean, I expected it really that a lot of people don't wear lipliners. But lipliners could be "unsong heroes" as i'm sure it works so well for models and actresses

    Sab, i believe they're approx Php1,000. Not sure coz this is a gift to me too! I wouldn't buy lipliners on my own ! lol

  14. sis nikki, i badly need lipliners.. i have not so nice lips because of discoloration on the sides.. thank you so much for the review, next time i hit MAC, will definitely give it a try.. LIP LINER LIP LINER LIP LINER

  15. hi nikki!

    this is a great post :)

    can i cross-post this on kikay ex?

  16. Go go go Diana!!!

    Jillsabs, SURE no worries! I will be honored!

  17. im so excited to see the review. i love love lip liners!

  18. Stilettos to sweets, wow, seldom to I find harcore lip liners LOVER!!!! Glad you liked my review! What's your favorite lip liner brand?

  19. I rarely use lip liner, so lazy! But it really does make a difference.

  20. I don't use lipliner because I prefer eye makeup with a more natural mouth, so I usually wear clear or light pink color on my lips. Plus I drink a lot of water during the day, and taking a lot of time on my lips, knowing it will end up lip marks on my water bottle, seems like a waste!

  21. i actually love clinique! i've used it in one of my featured blog entries. :) i love love love that it's super soft. and i love the color! i adore mac as well. i was able to try them when i had my training there, but i haven't gotten an opportunity to buy one yet. :) soon, i hope!

  22. Jaime, *high five* I get to be too lazy too. Can you believe with my non existent lashes, I am too lazy to curl my lashes and wear mascara ??

    Smirking cut, oohh me too! I love natural lip color :) And good for you for being a water drinker, I am not :( sad to say, that's why I've got dry lips, dry skin, dry everything LOL

    Stilettos to Sweets/Char, clinique, that's a great tip, I may give this a try soon!

  23. I buy maybe one or two generic colored lipliners (e.g. rosy pink) for most of my lipstick, but otherwise I won't really spend money on them. I find pencils are drying on me as well, but crayons are a little better. I usually don't wear lipliner either, because I know that my lip products will eventually get rubbed off anyway!

  24. Emilee, that is so good to know that someone does it the way I do too!!! I don't buy super expensive lippie I just can't shell out that much coz I always mix and match my lippies :)


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to comment your questions, suggestions and just anything you may want to say! Keep smiling and stay happy!