Thursday, October 9, 2008

Shanghai Trip Part 2

Hey gals!!! Thanks for enjoying my Shanghai Trip stories :) As promised, here's more stories and photos!!!! Well you'll definitely see a lot of food here! Street food to be particular as Shanghai is full of yummy and weird food at the same time! :D

A lot of you asked about Stinky Tofu, lol For those who don't know, Stinky Tofu or "Chou Doufu" are fermented tofu, it's called Stinky but for Chinese, it doesn't mean negative, it connotes Fragrance...and it's like the fruit durian, it stinks but it tastes yummy (according to Stinky Tofu lovers lol)

For those who wondered how it tastes like, Keith the hubby did taste it and he said it doesn't taste bad, and he's still alive and kicking! Meaning, it's clean and there's no report on sickness or death! LOL now I'm talking nonsense.

Let me continue my Shanghai Trip! :D

As I said, my dad had a hard time walking far so we tend to sit as much as we can. We enjoyed sitting her for some great music from a bar :D

And here's Keith having fun being a "King Kong" lol

We went to YuYuan, it's a place where you see a lot of stalls selling Chinese souvenirs Love love love the lights and architecture!

See how lovely it is? We walked so far to reach this place But worth it! Dad didn't come with us, for health reasons

Some lanterns and stalls selling t-shirts, mobile phone charms, etc...

And when you're in China, you have to be good with haggling! I haggled so hard that I became friends with the seller! LOL She's ready for her own pose! :P
Remember: Whatever price they give, start haggling as low as 30% of the given amount ;) trust me, it works!

I've seen this Cartoon everywhere in Shanghai!

This is their icon for the Shanghai Expo 2010!

And of course, with such lovely place, it's the best time to pose with my lovey!
Night time at the Shanghai Times Square!

Now Now, let's go to our favorite posts...
The food posts! I have stuffed myself the whole trip!
I won't even start with the meals (That would be another post)

Food on Sticks from Convenience Store! They have it on stick with Chinese characters written on it to know what you're eating :D

They have it on Spicy Sauce, Curry Sauce and Regular Sauce! Plus...Chinese Sausages Yum!

And let's go to the Food Fair I've seen!
I am lucky to have seen this food fair as I was told it doesn't happen everyday!

Some meat on the stick! LOL Doesn't look like BBQ Pork to me!

And here's a stall selling dried stuffs!
Dried beef, Dried pork, Dried Fish and Squid!
I did tasted a lot of these and bought a couple !

The yummy meat balls!
Keith's favorite! He had 2 orders of this!

Here's what you get for an order!

And here's a closer look!
Fish ball with meat inside YUM
Definitely freshly made!

A weird meat bun with straw!
I haven't tried this, I am so full!
Too bad I didn't have the chance to try this!

Samurai Balls!
Another Favorite!

Took a shot of this guy hitting on this pastry!
Not sure what he is making!
But looks like he needed energy to do this!

Seafood popsicle!

Since we were still in Shanghai AFTER the Chinese Holidays! Lesser crowd and people for the last day! This famous Fried Dumpling was jampacked a couple of days ago! I got so intrigued I have to try them!

I'm Glad I Did!

A bit oily but it's freshly made!
Very delicious!
You have to be careful in biting them though as there's so much sauce inside the bun!

What's a lovely way to end the trip?
We had a lovelyl walk around the area!
The weather on the last day was a bit gloomy and cool!
I'm definitely going to miss Shanghai and my Bro!

Watch out for more food adventure in Shanghai!
Definitely a city worth checking out!


  1. Awww...lovely pictures! I'm not good at haggling. Although, I attempted once on my trip to Vietnam. Got about 50% off. I was so happy but later found out that I got ripped off?!! The lady probably look at my face and triple or quadruple her prices!!! GOSH

    Can't wait to see more pictures from your trip. I love vacation pictures. They're so fun to look at but it also made me JEALOUS!!! ARHHH

  2. omg! the foood looks sooo Yummie! and look at that bright building u caputred in the back! omg... wut camera do u use? its such a good camera!! im soo hungry.. i really want these food that u posted =(

  3. Yummmmm~~ Haha one of the food stands sells Taipei's Kabobs.

  4. WOW, you had so much fun !!! :) I am glad you went many places. And yummy foods !!!

  5. Great pictures! If I'm ever in Shanghai, I don't think I'd try the stinky tofu. I don't eat fermented ANYTHING (not even kimchi!) What did you end up getting from haggling with the seller? I suck at haggling and make my bf do it. Haha. People find him more intimidating, of course.

  6. Looks like you had a blast, and you made me hungry with the food pictures! :P

  7. thts bbq deer meat! mmmmmm i wonder how it tastes. and, the fishball with filling is known as 'fu zhou fishball' here in msia. not sure what is it called in china. the bun with a straw contains soup in it :D thts why need a straw to suck the soup up

  8. Ooo it looks like you had so much fun :)

  9. Twin! Do you know that the First time I went to China, I haggled and I was smiling because I thought I did a good deal! and when I came back, everyone in the office was calling me "stupid" for getting the product in such overpriced! LOL I learned my mistake..if they ask for 100 go for 30! hahahha

    Jesmakeup, it's Canon 40d :)

    Fuzkittie, you would know about all the food there! hahahhaa

    Digital angel, hey li'l sis! welcome back! I missed you!

    Tracy, my mom bought a couple of t-shirts for my uncles, they sell it for 100 something RMB and we got it for 35rmb each! LOL Ooohh I wanted to be adventurous, but I wasn't feeling 100% well at the time to try stinky tofu! lol

    Alyssa, :) I managed to get you hungry? heheheh I thought you always won by eating before reading my posts!

    Prettybeautiful, good thing I didn't taste it, I am not into deer meat! thank you! LOL Thanks for sharing the information on the photos, I find it difficult to read Simplified Chinese, I studied traditional

    Lydia, I did have a blast! :)

  10. lovely pictures sis nikki!!! thanks for sharing pics with us! i wanna go see shanghai.. lol

  11. great to know you enjoyed your Shanghai trip! i can see that you totally enjoyed eating haha! but you're still skinny! not fair lol. welcome back sis! :D

  12. nice, I was there earlier of this year in February...

  13. Glad to have you back Nikki! I'm drooling over the food porn! I'm finding myself wanting to go to China now.

  14. oh my god i suddenly remember how i missed shanghai!!! i love chou tofu!!!! :) they have it here so minsan mom cooks it for me, despite the smell!

    i was able to try that weird meat bun with straw in yu yuan gardens 2 years ago, and they say it's xiao long bao, big big big version! hahaha! the straw's for the soup stock. very yummy indeed! :)

    looks like it's not so freezing there pa since ahia keith's not wearing a jacket! haha! :)

  15. Great pictures. Looks like you had a great time and the food looks yummy!

  16. your Shanghai trip looks awesome!

    food looks yummy ^^

  17. wow what a fun trip! i've heard about stinky tofu on the travel channel, lol...i definitely want to do that ones of these days :)

  18. super awesome pics! i've been to shanghai but i got to see none of this!!! thanks for sharing!

  19. man I really want to visit! everything looks so awesome! and OMG at the food!

  20. Thanks for sharing us your pictures from your trip. I love traveling!

  21. Drool... drool... The food looks so yummy. I've tried stinky tofu before, it's really not as bad as it smells :)

  22. look at all the food!

    i feel full just by looking at it! haha! i'm glad you had a great time... i hope coming back to reality isnt as hard. :)


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to comment your questions, suggestions and just anything you may want to say! Keep smiling and stay happy!