Monday, January 25, 2010

Kotex Luxe No Compromise Contest Winners!

Hi Everyone!
Thanks for joining the Kotex Luxe No Compromise Contest!  I've decided to choose the first 15 comments as winners!  Congratulations to:
  1. Rosey
  2. Ann
  3. Joanne MV
  4. Bagel
  5. All Women Stalker
  6. Merlinda
  7. Jheng of Iamsutil
  8. Torque15
  9. Hidburn
  10. Mariel
  11. Thiamere
  12. Karlenma
  13. Bachuchay
  14. Yani
  15. Kahodininthehouse
Please email me at for your complete name and mailing info!

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!


  1. oooh! I am so much lurving you Miss Nikki! I won again! :) Hehehe! Thanks!

  2. Wow.. thanks.. I already sent an email =)

  3. Wow! Goody! I finally won! Thanks Nikki! Will sent you an email ;)

  4. thanks again! I'm very lucky this 2010


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to comment your questions, suggestions and just anything you may want to say! Keep smiling and stay happy!