Monday, September 20, 2010

Nail Art Tutorial: "Bioman" Inspired Nails

This week's Nail Art Tutorial...I've been inspired by something you promise you won't laugh at ok???  Promise?'s Bioman!  I'm not an avid Bioman fan but I've watched a couple of episodes!  Ok ok!  I've imagined myself to be Pink 5 and I know their steps!  *laughs* 

The inspiration that I've derived from the Bioman are the colors!  It'll be better if I can draw their masks on my nails right?  But I'm not that Bioman crazy though!  So nope!  *hahaha*

Here's my final Bioman Inspired Nails done on both fingers and toes
I've used the colors that can be seen on their costumes
Main color plus white, black and silver!
Now let's all shout: "BIOMAN!" *does action*

The shades used
from L-R: TFS RD301, BNC 21, L.A. Colors in Static Electricity
Elianto23 Yellow and Orly Cotton Pink

Step 1:
You can freely create a diagonal line or tape your fingernails to create a better-looking diagonal colors of the Bioman costumes.  Do not forget to apply them in order!  (Red 1, Green 2, Blue 3, Yellow 4 and Pink 5)

Step 2:
After applying 2 coats.  Let dry and gently peel off the tape just like photo below.

You'll end up with gorgeous looking shades.  Simple gal can just top this with a top coat and you're ready to go.  For someone like me who wants to go further, continue reading the steps below.

Step 3:
Using the shades of the Bioman Masks, I applied L.A. Colors Art Deco in Silver and create a diagonal line just where the colors end. 

Step 4:
Just below the silver glitter polish, apply another line using L.A. Colors Art Deco in Black.  If you don't have this polish, you can use a regular black polish applied using a think art brush you can find from bookstores.

Step 5:
Continue creating diagonal lines this time with a white polish from L.A. Colors Art Deco in White.

Step 6:
This is the best time for you to soak up your cotton bud with an acetone and clean up excess.

Step 7:
Making sure the lines drawn are dry, top your nail art with your preferred top coat.  I've used Elianto Top Coat in this nail art tutorial.

Viola~!!!  The Bioman Costume Colors inspired nail art for the week!

A closer look on Red One and how I need to clean up the sides for excess!  Top 2 coats of top coat if you want a "glossy" finish!

What's your favorite Bioman Character?
Do you even watch the series?

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!


  1. I didn't watched Biomen... yet?
    I love your idea! Very pretty!

  2. You truly are the cutest, Nikki! I've always played the Pink Five as a kid, hehe.

  3. I liked Pink 5, too! And it was dramatic when she contracted this sickness but had to save a kid. I think I cried!

  4. Wah! Bioman! I missed them. I used to play Pink 5, but I realized I was more like Red 1. LOL!

  5. so cute! but i dont think i have watched bioman before too....they look like power rangers!

  6. Pink 5 go! go! go! uy napaghalata un generation natin lol

  7. Pretty nail tutorial..I love it..Never watch Bioman before but ever "LIKE" Power Ranger.. =P..

  8. Hey Nikki! Thanx for the nice comment :) we should do a swap sometime :)

  9. hi nikki!
    yellow 4 here :)

  10. This is so cute and colorful, love it!

  11. haha this is too cute! :D i love love love Pink5! thanks for sharing this!

    p.s. when are you going to have your 2-way nail art pens again? :(

  12. im pink 5 too! lol.
    this is too fun.

    oh yeah, my friend is also asking about ur nail pens. do u still have stock? she sees my nails and asks about the pens. :)

  13. Nikki, this is by far one of the cutest nail art tutorials you have made, ever! :P I know remember how I liked Yellow 4 and Pink 5. :D

  14. Anastacia, oh no, I am too old, this one was shown I guess during the 80's


    Tara, hahahah Pink 5, magaaway tayo!!!! :)

  15. Ceemee, oh no, so many Pink 5s here! I know! I remember that episode/scene!!! I did not cry though, I was a bit clueless then and unemotional! hahaha

    Charming Vanity,thanks

    skysenshi, wow RED 1 ha? You are the leader then! I guess I'm a Red 1 today but way back, I've always been PINK 5! ALWAYS!

  16. Xin, oh, I wasn't able to watch Power Rangers anymore! I am actually not a TV kid way back, but when it comes to Bioman, i find myself watching, guess it's the colors and the funny dance! hahaha

    Hannah, hahahhaah IKR!

    *MrsMartinez* SHUCKS! Uy hahaha oo nga..generation nga natin! hahaha

  17. AnGiEpInK, gosh, the older generation liked BIOMAN and the younger ones are into Power Rangers..oh my! *looks at Tara girl above* Tara girl, same generation na tayo! hahaha

    Mhean, I know! When you come back! hahaha

    dianneregina, oh wow, we only need Green 2 and Blue 3 and we're all set!

  18. Gio, thanks

    Abbie, my pleasure sweet! I won't be selling the 2 way pens yet! I have to meet the supplier and I haven't scheduled a trip yet!

    Jenobebs, :) Will let you know once nail art pens are available.

  19. Pammy, awww, nakita mo lang feet ko..fave mo na ha! JOKE! :) I can imagine a whole bunch of us, (mostly pinks) in this BIOMAN FORMATION! hahaha

    L4pinkpetal, thanks for the visit

  20. Hmmm where did my comment go??

    Anyways this is TOO CUTE!!!! :D :D I never watched Bioman before but i think you did a fab job at imitating the colors!! :D :D

  21. Uber cute Ms. Nikki. I felt like I'm back in Elementary again. I was of course Pink Five. =)
    I'm excited to meet you in person on Saturday. I'll be attending the DollFace makeup workshop. I hope nothing gets in the way. *crosses fingers*

  22. I was playing Yellow 4 the photographer! There was another yellow 4 (the archer) when the original one died. :)

  23. your pedicure is soo cute! im far too lazy with mine :P

  24. Beautiful nail art! Thanks for sharing such amazing captures.
    Keep posting! I will back soon.


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to comment your questions, suggestions and just anything you may want to say! Keep smiling and stay happy!