Wednesday, March 12, 2014

SanFo Travel Report: Free Day at Frisco!

Before I arrive San Francisco, I knew this trip will be a whole lot of different as compared to the previous trips we had!  I didn't have an itinerary and all I know is that our time depends on our little Boss :)  True enough, our little boss' sleeping/eating schedule is crazy!  But thanks to his "very kind" genes, he's still a good sport trying to stay awake at times we're on streets!

We were wide awake at 4:00am San Francisco Time and just stayed inside the hotel room, seriously, where can we go at this time of the night except bars? :P  At around 2:00pm, our little boss finally decided he's ready to go out so off we went for a leisurely walk around the hotel!  The leisurely walk we had in mind turned out to be a bit of a walk-a-thon!  Seriously, walking seems like a chore when you have a little one with you! And to some who wonder, we just brought along our baby carrier and left our stroller behind!  We are staying at my friend's place after the Benefit event and she will lend us her daughter's stroller so we've decided it's the best way to travel light since we're heading to LA as well!

Back to my story!  Tsk, darn can my mind wander off!  We've decided just to walk street after streets and enjoy the weather!  Keep in mind that the weather is cool with a bit of wind, let's say around 11 deg celsius daytime but please don't mind Mr. AMW, this guy is a perspiration machine!  He sweats even during winter!  *laughs*  I still love him anyways, please tell him that :P

Took a photo of this because the building looks really nice! 

A lot of luxury branded stores.  Don't mind Baby AMW's "not in a mood" look, he didn't sleep well!  Poor guy!

We managed to find Union Square!  From St. Regis, Union Square is easy to find, well, I cheated, I asked directions but only ONCE and found it! :P

Union Square, according to my friend Wikipedia, is around 2.6 acre public plaza.  This is a central shopping, hotel and theater district and surrounding the area has large collections of department stores, gift shops, galleries, upscales boutiques, etc...  No wonder this is a majr tourist spot as I find the place laid back even for tourists like me!

That's me relaxing with Baby AMW at the park people and bird watching :)

Mr. AMW and I took turns taking care of Baby AMW!  

There's PDA (Public Display of Affection) between father and son.

Trying to do what the locals do and relax right at the center of the park!

Baby AMW, aside from being a chick-magnet, is also getting attention from people of all ages!  Caught a man striking up a conversation with Baby AMW!  

Right across Union Square is Macy's.  We visited the place and found so many wonderful clothes especially for Baby AMW!

Right outside Macy's, we found a hotdog stand  called Stanley's and decided to have a taste!  

We had All-Beef Stanley Steamer,  according to them, the meat is extra lean, grass-fed Angus Beef, no-hormones, no antibiotics, no guilt!  Mr. AMW is very happy with this and this costs $4.95. :)

Check out the nice guy trying to make Baby AMW laugh! 
Told you, Baby AMW attracts attentions!  *laughs*

It was a very relaxed day as we head back to the hotel every now and then as Kyle took 2 naps on street!  Tomorrow is THE DAY for Benefit!  I can' wait to share my adventures to you!  Keep reading and don't forget that huge smile! 

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Keep smilin'
Stay happy!


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