Monday, December 1, 2014

How to Be Happy and Contented

Okay, this post is totally different from my usual posts and I'm actually typing this as I dry my hair!  *laughs*  I had a big fan right in front of my face and suddenly, I had this trail of wonderful thoughts....on sharing my how-tos!  I've had a couple of how-tos post and those are all skincare/makeup related.  Today, it's none of those!  I'm speaking about the emotional happiness.  The physical side?  Too easy, there are so many products and methods to make you pretty!

Okay, not saying I'm pretty here but I did use makeup to help me look at least "decent" to leave the house.

Long-time AMW reader would know why I started this blog and why this blog is called AskMeWhats.

...... do you know ba? (still waiting)

Okay,  maybe, maybe not?  If you don't have a clue, okay lang, this isn't a quiz!  hehe

I started this blog because I wanted this to be an "advice blog".  YES, advice as in Love, Family, Career, Health advise.  I am not a Psychiatrist, or in any way a perfect person to have the right to give advices.  BUT, I'm confident enough to share my opinions on anything "life" related as I felt, I have lived through a quarter of my life doing quite okay.  And aside from that, I wanted this blog to be a venue where readers would also share their thoughts on a specific problem.

Maalaala mo Kaya ...Chikahan edition!  *lol*

Well, that didn't push through because my love for makeup, skincare, beauty in general prevail!  But that didn't mean my Blog isn't open for real life problems!  I actually get loads of emails asking for help and I directly reply to them .  That's when I realized, hey...there are a few of you out there na naloloko ko..ay  mali! I mean..there are few of you out there who actually believe in what I have say!  So maybe, I must be doing something good in this cyber world!

That's when I thought of putting up a post to let you know...I'm here...I may not know you personally, but I'm here to share some of my "life secrets" on how I stay happy and contented.

But please bear in mind...each of us have our own "style" and "ways" to stay happy, to each their own talaga...but just in case you're interested how I do it...feel free to read and react! :)

On material things:
I grew up in an exclusive, private school with rich and super rich classmates!  From expensive brands of notebooks, pencils and pens, bags, accessories, wallets... to expensive cars, yayas in uniform and drivers who look like bodyguard *lol* picking them up after school.  During those years, it is very easy to get consumed with an envious heart.  Thanks to my parents, who never gave me allowance #lol and for my mom's constant reminder each time she drove me to school in our "chic" 1974 Toyota Corona car, her words of wisdom stuck inside my head until today: "Never get envious of what we don't have because God will always Provide."  

I actually survived not getting everything I want and not wanting what I can't have...and true enough...I live a happy and contented life.

Senior Highschool Graduation...yes, I survived and actually got myself a good looking boyfriend pa! *ahem* Mr. AMW!

In this Blogging industry, it is so difficult to be contented with what you have because  you will always see someone who has MORE!  I bought a new camera, but another Blogger bought a better one, higher model pa!  I have 10 MAC eye shadows but fellow blogger probably have 20!  There are times I look into my makeup collection and say: "Why does xxxx have more?"  then, I will tell myself: "These are mere material things, I won't be able to bring them to heaven (yes sure ako sa Heaven ako pupunta lol)."  True enough, that killed my tendency to compare what I have from others.  And guess what?  I am living a happy and contented life.

On physical beauty:
 Thankfully, my readers are kind, out of my 7 years of daily blogging, I only have 1 negative comment.  That one reader said: "You're too perky, I doubt you are that way in real life and it's irritating!" Ohhh, and that's not even about my looks!  Oh there's one!  A controversial tweet mentioning me and fellow Beauty Bloggers on why we call ourselves Beauty Bloggers when we aren't even Beautiful.

Let me answer the first comment...unfortunately, you are right, I am not the "perky girl" you think I am from blog because in Real Life, I am even WORSE!  The perkiness is too much I think my Blogger friends can attest to that (with matching dance steps pa while I say this ha!)

And about the physical beauty..well, I can't blame you.  Imagine, in most posts, you see the close up of me, Macro na kung marcro...zoom na kung zoom.  Kebs ang wrinkles and pores :P

Bare face for makeup comparison

And my close-up "Epal"!  Seriously, I just found this photo from my "pictures" folder and why did I post this unflattering photo?  I don't mind..kasi I'm sure there are worst photos pa!  Just search from Archive :)

I am a beauty blogger who does product reviews, so I want to show "raw" before and after shots for readers to really gauge if the product I reviewed is for them or not.  So yeah, I feel embarrassed most of the time but I'm old enough, yes, I can still survive :P

Truth be told, if I'm in my early 20's, I'm probably affected by those negative comments or statements?  But thankfully, in God's grace, there are none of those ill feelings!  I know "gasgas" na ang line na Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder, but you know what?  It is true!  I know a portion of you find me unattractive pero at least, once in my life, I feel like an actress when I worked in China!  They adored my round face (lucky daw eh lol), they love the fact that I'm chubby and still sexy (gulo no?)  hahaha

I never tell anyone I'm beautiful (well, probably told this so many times as a joke) but in truth?  I'm proud to say...I am beautiful 100% from the inside!  On the outside,well, I don't care anymore!  Nakabingwit na ako ng asawa! :P  But yeah, as long as I look fine for people who matters to me...that's enough...and that made me happy and contented!

On Money Matters
Close to my advise on material things...I look into money as a way to survive..yes...but I don't look at it as the only thing that matters in my life!  Truth be told, since I turned into a mom, I worry about finances more than ever!  I work extra hard, accepting extra jobs here and there (Queen of sideline ako!)  But one day, I stopped, took a breather when I almost cannot sleep from aching body, runny nose and cough.  

Shucks...I may get rich but I may die young!  The best gift for any mom to give to their child/children is to take care of can you be there for them if you're always sick?  How can you see the fruits of your hard labor when you die young?  

Now, I look into life in a different perspective, same with money.  I just work at my own pace, earn a living in a way that I can still have my own "me" time....but of course, set aside savings for "rainy" days but don't forget to reward yourself every now and then so you don't feel like you're being robbed from your own earnings!

Right there and then, I knew...I'm living a happier and more contented life.

Okay, I want to blab further but December na December ang drama ko no?  Well, I have a long list to share on different aspects on our lives on how to stay happy and contented...but I'll leave the rest for future "dramatic moments".

And just like Science...there's always a conclusion to this whole she-bang! :P

To find real happiness, you have to first identify your "core"--- your "inspiration".  Whenever you feel down, think about your "core" and you know you are living a meaningful life or shall I say, you strive for a meaningful life because you care so much for them and you don't want them to worry about you.

Do you enjoy these personal posts?
Share your thoughts if you would like me to inject more of these personal matters THAT matters posts!  The comment section is also open for your additional tips on how to be happy and contented.

Thank you so much for reading! Mwa :x

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Keep smilin'
Stay happy!



  1. i do enjoyed reading this whole article ms nikki.. thank you for reminding us that its not all about the money and fame.. its about being happy and contented on what you have..

    1. Yay thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed this article

  2. Oh, Nikki, you are beautiful inside and out. I admire the positive, optimistic energy that radiates from you despite all the hardships you've endured in the past. :)

    1. awwthank you so much Aviva and for acknowledging the hardships I went through :D

  3. I love this post! It feels like we're just having chikahan ng harapan. :D

  4. I love this post! It feels like we're just having chikahan ng harapan. :D

  5. This is my first time to post a comment.
    I love this kind of post, please keep it coming Ms. Nikki.
    you are beautiful , very beautiful I must say inside and out,
    out and inside. Whole package! Your husband is very lucky too! :)

    1. thank you so much for commenting (especially for a first timer!)
      thanks for telling me I'm beautiful! Bonus na yan because I already have the best son and hubby :D

  6. I love this post a lot damang dama ko, very sincere and you're always honest that's why you are my favorite beauty blogger.

    P.S. How do you make that natural-looking eyebrows?

    1. aww thansk Michelle! :)
      Natural-lookign brows? Search How To: Brows on the box on the side! I've done quite a lot of natural brow tutorials na :D and more to come :D

  7. you're so pretty kaya and you look younger for your age. plus, i bet your nice in person too. :P hope to see u personally nang makapag papicture kay mrs.AMW and baby!

    1. hahahahah talagang with baby ang picturan? hahahaha :) Thanks dear! And thanks for saying I look younger than my age! :D

  8. This is so sweet, Nikki. I've always enjoyed the honesty that comes through all your writing. Parang chikka lang with a good friend, but I still feel hiya when I see you in person, hehe! Yours is the first beauty blog I ever read, and it's good to know that even with 7 years worth of beauty products (lol) you're still reminded that these are material things that will be gone one day. I'm exposed to a lot of beauty stuff as part of my work, and it can really get nauseating sometimes when people go crazy over collecting everything. Thank you for sharing this as a reminder! :)

    1. :) Thanks Denise, please don't feel "hiya" when you see me in person kasi..wala talaga akong hiya! hahaha :D Seriously, thanks for understanding my thoughts on these being material things lang talaga! Thanks to my mom and dad for making me feel grounded talaga! :D And i'm glad to share a piece of my mom and dad's advice to everyone!

  9. I've been reading your blog since 2008.. yes! remember the "silent reader" haha
    You inspired me to blog too although I'm not as diligent.. I like the perkiness.. i'ts like talking with your sister or barkada, it made me read your blog more plus I learned a lot.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.. more power to your blog.. stay happy :)

    1. thank you dear, yes, I remember your comment as a silent reader! I appreciate that you're commenting more! I like reading feedbacks from readers (good or bad) :) Kasi at least I know I'm not just talking to nobody ! Hope to see you around :D


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to comment your questions, suggestions and just anything you may want to say! Keep smiling and stay happy!