Saturday, March 27, 2021

Happy 14th Blogging Anniversary to Me!


Ah, how old could I get?  I can’t even remember the exact moment I signed up a Blogspot account and started blabbling about many things online!  

Was it mid-2017?  Early 2018?  Is it my 14th year?  15th year Bloggerversary?  

I don’t really mind not knowing the exact date but what I honestly mind is the fact that some of you are still here, after more than a decade!  To the new readers out there, thank you still, for being part of my Blogging Journey!  It started out as an anonymous advice Blog to a Beauty Blog, a Food Blog (hello Sunday Food posts!) , a Mom Blogr and finally calling this a Lifestyle Blog. 

I used to Blog EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past 13-14 years.  Do I have writer’s block?  NONE AT ALL!  I guess Blogging is really perfect for me as I have an awful lot to say every single day!  Blogging does not feel tiring or work at all, it feels like a safe haven for me, a diary (journal) where I freely put out what I want to say on every single topic discussed out here.  

Fast forward to 2020 when COVID-19 pandemic happened, our househelp left our home due to pregnancy, I have a day job, a LOT of side jobs adding up to a full-time mom and homemaker job!  It was hard for me to write every single day like before but I focused my energy in creating content that makes me happy! 

Videos are a thing of the moment, I also noticed the sudden shot of popularity on Tiktok and new influencers because readers/followers nowadays want instant gratification - quick videos, short articles, “Please go straight-to the-point” type of content.

For someone who was called an “OG Blogger” in the industry (which still made me cringe to say it by the way!), a lot of Bloggers my time would probably resist on this sudden shift of style of influence - but not me.  I welcome the change.  I welcome new learnings because I learn so much through the process and doing short 1 minute videos actually made me feel YOUNGER than my age! #hahaha

So I just want to say, through the years, Blogging/Vlogging/Content Creation/ Influencer Marketing will always be honest, straightforward and created with LOVE for me.  Some would probably go crazy looking out on numbers, likes and followers.  For me, having at least 1 or 2 or 5 of you reading this is already enough, enough to say, I have someone who listens to what I have to say and every single one of you matter.

Because of this journey as a Blogger, Beauty Influencer, Mom Influencer or how you would like to call it, you guys are HELPING ME HEAL through all the bad times I went through for the past 14 years of my life!  I welcome every influencer (big and small) because cyberspace is enermous, everysingle one of us has a voice, a space, to put out what we want to say out there.  Because, someday, somehow, like me, you will find someone getting comfort in what you do!  And that’s all that matters.  

AMW Friends, THANK YOU.  THANK YOU for staying. 

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!


1 comment :

  1. Happy anniversary to AMW, Nikki! You are one of the bloggers who inspired me to start my own blog.❤️❤️❤️ And grabe you don't age! 😁


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