Showing posts with label Cherry Cheesecake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cherry Cheesecake. Show all posts

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Weekend Desserts: Pellegrino's Heart Shaped Cherry Cheesecake

Remember my No-Bake Blueberry Cheesecake post from Pellegrino's?
Guess what?  They made something special for the month of Hearts --- also my birth month!  Yay!

So this box was delivered to my home one super tiring and busy workday...

Then THIS....
Pellegrino's Heart-Shaped Cherry Cheesecake.  
"Oh No!  I'm not a fan of cherries!"  -- I told myself.  But it does look extremely delicious!  I had to wait for my mom-in-law to arrive for her to eat the "extra cherries" for me. 

Then I decided..I can't wait!