I don't need to talk about the dry skin problems again and again! If you read my past blogs, you'll see that I've been rambling about the dry skin here and there and it just gets tiring! (I know!). But please bear with me, hehehe, as taking care of dry skin is as equally hard to having oily skin.
Aside from drinking lots of water a day, I've found ways to take care of my lippies. The Petroleum Jelly method :) Best done nighttime before you sleep.
1. Use a clean damp toothbrush and gently brush your lips (to remove excess skin and lipstick residues.
2. Rub in petroleum jelly and leave it for 5-10min. (you can do this as long as you want)
3. Repeat step no. 1, this time to remove the petroleum jelly.
4. Use your favorite lip balm, or use the same petroleum jelly again and leave it overnight
5. Wake up with baby soft lips!
How about you guys? Do you have tips that works? Do share please!!! My lips would be delighted!

Ohhhh, I do step 1 and 2, but at different times. Maybe that's why it's not working as well for me! >< Are those your lips at the bottom? ;P
ReplyDeleteThe only lip balm that's really worked for me is Labello. It's a drug store brand and quite cheap but it is by far the most effective in keeping my lips chap-free!
wow, Never hear of Labello! I want to try anything that works! as you're right, doing those stuffs every night is a bit stressful, ehhe but I do it anyway. :D
ReplyDeleteand NO..those aren't my lips *smiles*
ReplyDeleteLabello is a German brand I believe... and it's probably only available in Europe. I used to be able to get them readily in any pharmacy, but recently, it seems only one or two could have them. :( Needless to say, I stock up!!
ReplyDeleteOhh I should learn from you. I hate stocking up as I tend to get excited on new products :) and at the end, the Unfaithful me ended up buying back the stuffs that works :D
ReplyDeleteTrying out new stuff is often hit and miss. Some things I don't mind, but I've wasted so much money on useless lip balms (and most of them were name brands!) that I've learnt my lesson. :)