Saturday, July 20, 2013

AskMeMom: My SOL (Signatures of Love)

Hi Mommies out there!  Can we go sentimental and talk about our experience as a mom? As a first time mommy, I feel like this is the highest point of my life.  The feeling of hearing baby's first cry on my last labor "push" was so surreal I get to replay it inside my head over and over again.  I nearly broke down in happy tears but instead, I kept my cool as I know I won't stop crying inside the labor room! 

Most readers of AMW would know that I gave birth to a full-term but very skinny baby.  Baby Kyle Nash was only 4.8lbs and even before he came out of the world, my doctor was quite worried about his health which puts both Mr. AMW and I in a very stressful situation!  Of course, as a mom, I am more worried than anyone else so I prayed to God every day for baby's safety and vouched to do everything I can to make him the healthiest, happiest baby in the block!

Less than 1 day old Baby Kyle

Less than a day of giving birth, even without sleep (seriously NONE at all), I kept my cool (though my heart was breaking seeing how fragile my little angel was) and held baby close to me for hours making him feel safe and warm, at the same time, I know he can listen to my heartbeat and recognize me as his mommy, an unspoken bonding time.

I requested to be wheeled out to the next building nursery by 6:00am (before nursery's opening hours) just to wait for the arrival of lactation consultants to help me learn the basics of breastfeeding!  In less than 3 days of labor, I was able to produce 2 drops of milk (Colostrum) and happily have it syringed to baby's tiny mouth.  That's how much I want to keep my baby strong and healthy.

Why the sudden mommy drama?  Well, I recently chanced upon Johnson's Baby Signatures of Love TVC. about Signatures of Love and I believe all mommies have their own signatures of love to make their baby feel like the most important creation in this world!  I believe each mom is unique in their own ways to express their love!  I have my own and I'm sure you  have yours too!

Please watch this video!  It's very heartwarming!

The Johnson's Baby commercial also reminded me of how my mom personally took care of me (no yayas then). Those times, there wasn't much baby products and you hear nothing but Johnson's Baby Brand when mommies talk about baby products!  Most moms during those times trust Johnson's for their baby's sensitive skin (even my own).  So as to speak, I was a certified Johnson's Baby Girl (promise!).  From Johnson's Baby Top to Toe Wash to Johnson's Classic Baby Powder (my mom uses the huge puff and pat them all over my back and butt) then Johnson's Baby Cologne (I use this until grade school!).  Of course, I don't remember what my mom exactly did but she shared to me how much I love to sleep throughout bonding session so she had to force feed me while singing her favorite song "Sakura"!  No wonder I have this sense of security whenever I talk to my mom even today!

Now that I'm a mommy, my mom reminded me to recreate the same bonding moments we have with Baby Kyle!  Armed with knowledge on how to give baby a bathe, massage, diaper change etc... I will definitely do beyond the basics and recreate the special closeness me and my mom have with Baby Kyle! 

An amateur video on my "gigil" moments with baby Kyle

I guess it is effective as baby looks from THIS...

to this....
Yay! He's finally catching up on his weight! :)
and let's not forget, he's turning out to be one jolly baby!

Who can resist this laugh?

Because Johnson's Baby recognizes these Signatures of Love to create good bonding between mommies and babies, aside from making sure all Johnson's Baby products are top-safe, they also encourage moms like me to take a 30-second videos of their own Signatures of Love with their babies!  How?  Upload the final home videos on the Johnson's Baby Signature of Love Facebook app ( for a chance to be featured in the upcoming TVC of Johnson's Baby to be aired on TV and several LED billboards around Metro Manila!  That's another bonding experience for you and your little one!

Have a wonderful bonding experience with your baby!
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Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

(This is a sponsored post.)


  1. Super cutie! I want his photo with the Line bear lol! Enjoy that stage, kasi mami-miss mo yan pag lumaki na. :D

    1. alam mo gwama, looking at his first 2 months' photos, na mimiss ko na nga yung smaller version niya eh! So I can totally understand what you're trying to say!

  2. awww thanks for sharing this Nikki~ Its great that Kyle is has responded so well to the families love :)

    1. Thanks Rasilla! I am so happy he responded my TLC quite well :D

  3. awwww, so cute! i can feel the love sis.... naku, ako nga up to now nanggigigil pa rin with my son, hehehe....


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