Sunday, August 16, 2015

AMW Cooks: Egg Wrapped Minced Pork with Potatoes

Happy Sunday AMW Friends!  If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that I'm having a grand time with AMW family having our first Staycation at Discovery Suites Ortigas!  I've been wanting to do this for so long but I've always been tied up on weekends!  Almost EVERY weekend!  So yes, I'm taking advantage for this first FREE weekend after months!  So I'm definitely NOT bringing my laptop because I want to enjoy the moment with Mr. AMW and Kyle Nash!  

Not bringing laptop means, I will be typing this post early!  Am I good or am I good? :D  If you know I'm on Staycation, you've probably seen one of my many #AMWCooks posts, 160+ to be exact I am quite amazed!  I've received emails from fellow mommies requesting for this particular recipe I've posted 6 weeks ago!  

It looks blah, but it tastes really good and can make any leftover dishes look appealing!  But it wasn't a leftover dish though but just for future reference!  You and I are allowed to do so!

  • Eggs
  • Mayonnaise
  • Ground Pork
  • Potatoes sliced in tiny cubes
  • Onion and garlic
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Soy Sauce
  • Oyster Sauce

  • Fry potatoes, and let it sit on the side for later use.
  • Sauteed onion and garlic until fragrant.
  • Add in  ground pork and let it cook.  
  • Add in soy sauce, salt, pepper to taste.
  • Once everything is cooked, pour in a bit of oyster sauce.  (I used Lee Kum Kee)
  • Once done, pour in the potatoes and let's move on with the egg wrapper.

  • Mix Egg and a bit of mayonnaise.  
  • Using non-stick pan, put a bit of oil and pour in egg mixture, make it as thin as possible and feel free to maneuver your pan until it is covered with egg.  Let it cook under low fire, once the bottom is cooked, gently flip the egg on the other side!  Using non-stick pan is easiest as the egg wrapper will just slide off!

Let the egg wrapper cool for a couple of minutes before you start wrapping!  Using a spoon, grab as much of the potatoes and pork dish you made earlier and roll the egg as you swap your hips! :D  You may create your own sauce but our family prefers regular ketchup to go with this dish!  

Easy and yummy!

By the way, I will be sharing THIS tutorial soon!  Can you guess what the "How to" topic is? 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and enjoy cooking!
Share to me your simple and easy recipes!  I'd love to recreate it for AMW household!

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Keep smilin'
Stay happy!


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