Showing posts with label Beauty Republic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty Republic. Show all posts

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Unboxing: Gamourbox's Flawless Beauty Box

Truth be told, I'm probably the world's slowest "Unboxing" person!  I guess I have my reasons..I'm a mom and it really takes time to take photos when you have a super active baby around who likes to touch all the products you hold (including the camera!)  And yes, I'm taking my own photos too (that explains the not so good shots) because Mr. AMW is a busy dad!  *hahaha*

Well, I'm sure you don't want to read more excuses from me and want me to jump right out and talk about Glamourbox's Flawless Beauty Box.

Truth be told, after my heart-pounding Beauties and Babies box , I don't know how non-moms would react receiving that box but I don't even want to think about what others would feel..all I know was that it was the best box ever!  If you're a mom, you'll understand why!  Everything for your baby is the best in this world!  

So when I received the Flawless Beauty box, before looking at the content, I was hoping for more makeup products, instead..the box isn't as full as before so I thought this is a let down.  But wasn't!

A quick overview of the products included in the box.  I immediately saw some "saviors" that made me love this box! *ahem* Ellana, *ahem* Ofra!