Showing posts with label Julia Montes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julia Montes. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

How I Instantly Change the Way I Feel and Look!

I am one of those girls you would call "boring", "conventional", "very simple".  That's why if you follow me on IG stories, you'll see that most makeup looks I do are on the low-key version, easy-to-do, wearable for everyday and most importantly, apt for my age.

But there are days really that changing a regular MLBB shade of lipstick to something dark and vampy won't do the cut, there are days I just want to feel and look different, on days I want my photo to stand out even if I have minimal makeup on, just like the photo below.

Can you spot anything different?
(Timer starts now)

a photo of Nikki Tiu AskMeWhats, AMW, AskMeMom

Did it take long for you to see the difference?  I'm sure a lot of you already spotted it, I'm wearing colored contacts and it made a HUGE difference right?  For the particular photo, I wore AIR OPTIX® Colors in Green.

All thanks to my Beauty Blogger friend Marj Sia for pushing me to try out other shades!  I've always been the "boring" girl even with contacts!  I've used FreshLook® Illuminate Dailies in Rich Brown for several of my close-up shots because it enhances my eye shape yet it doesn't give a drastic change for you to notice!