Showing posts with label Canmake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canmake. Show all posts

Friday, August 7, 2015

Unboxing: BDJ July 2015 Prepped and Polished Box

As some of you may go "Hohum" on the previous BDJ boxes, my heart gave a skip on this month's PREPPED and POLISHED Box!  The name says it all!  Who doesn't like to look prepared and polished wherever we go?  I know I do!  As I seem not to sport that look nowadays with all the crazy schedule!  

What I like about this month's box how diverse the brands they included here.  But all of them have the same purpose --- to make us feel good both in and out.

Let us start with the most "obvious" product/s in the box!  It just came out of the market and you've probably seen ads on all social media!  And yes, BDJ Box subscribers, you get to try them immediately!

Friday, February 27, 2015

How To Fake Flawless, Glowing Skin + My favorite Makeup Look

Hi AMW Friends!  Tomorrow, I'll be turning 36!  Eeek!  
So my makeup style nowadays has been centered on faking healthy, flawless and glowing skin!  Because in real life (without makeup), my skin is dull and lifeless from lack of sleep!  I have also been posting "selfies" whenever I attend events with my favorite makeup style!  And some of you dear readers were asking for a tutorial for that specific favorite makeup look of mine! (thank you!)

This is a Photo-torial post so please bear with me!  Don't get tired seeing my face okay :D

My current favorite Glowing Skin, Flawless Face and Natural makeup to make me look *ahem* younger.

Step 1: Brows
This step may be in the middle or last, depending on your preference, I prefer to do my brows first!  In this tutorial, I used Kiss Me Heavy Rotation Brow Powder.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Lips of the Day: Canmake Tokyo Candy Wrap Lip (Honey)

My first ever Canmake product is a lipgloss called Tokyo Candy Wrap Lip!  The shade is in Honey and I'm so happy to get the chance to try this from last year's BDJ Corporate Chic "box".  Since I got this, I have been reaching out to this when I want "pale lipped" effect minus the dryness!  Yes, I have the worlds' driest of all dry lips so when I say a product is effective for my crocodile lips --- you know I'm not pulling your leg! 

For reference, I wore no "color" makeup just to show you the "effect" of the shade Honey on me!  Yes, I look pale..and NO I'm not sick! :P

But do I love this?  I absolutely ADORE this!  If you are in a hurry, you may now leave..but I know you want to read more about this (I'm using the power of positive thinking and I hope it is effective!) so please scroll down!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Unboxing: BDJ Corporate Chic and October 2014 Skin Savers

Before October ends, I want to share my unboxing expeience on BDJ Box!
I originally got the Corporate Chic "pouch" which isn't housed in the usual BDJ Box, instead, it comes with a very cute Simply She Cosmetic Pouch!  

Corporate Chic was put together by the BDJ team to help us "working ladies" look presentable when you're working from nine to five.  As for me, my work schedule is crazy!  I even work at 12mn when Baby AMW is asleep!  So yeah....with little time for myself, I need quick and easy fix to make me look presentable (not losyang)

Simply She Cosmetic Pouch

Don't judge the pouch for its' size, it is small yet super terrible!  Terribly WONDERFUL!  Daily beauty essentials for the face and hair!