Remember when I shared to you AMW Friends my first Laserlight Underarms experience with Facial Care Centre?
Well, I am hairfree on my underarms on my 7th treatment and I asked the therapist (randomly) if I can have my upperlip "Laserlight" too! She said yes and guess what? I booked myself a session immediately and here's what I have to say!
Just to refresh you ---
Just to refresh you ---
LaserLight Hair Removal painlessly, permanently, and safely reduces unwanted hair using the combination of the Gold Standard 810-nm diode and IN-Motion technology. Directly targets the hair follicles, preventing the growth of new hair, in a pain-free, comfortable treatment experience.
Firstly, you have to book yourself an appointment to have yourself checked if the treatment is right for you. I showed my concern to the Professional before you dive into a treatment.
I was told the LaserLight Upper Lip treatment would take longer than LaserLight Underarms (the latter would take approximately 6-8 treatments depending on your hair). I am happy I was given a bit of expectation from the start so I signed up for it.
Although I have very good experience with LaserLight Underarms, I am still scared when any device is put on my face! I was assured by the staff that it is very safe and comfortable and I can immediately go out with no down time.
True enough, if you check out my video, I did not flinch or move at all! The staffs are super friendly and kept on checking with me if I am doing okay. Best of all? I don't feel any pain at all! After the treatment, I do not see any skin redness, inflammation or allergic reactions! The first treatment was great I booked my 2nd session a month after right away!
TIP:Do not wash your face or wear makeup within 24 hours after treatment. The friction may cause allergic reaction on the sensitive area.
So now, as of writing, I've done 2 sessions and can't wait to go for my 3rd. And here's the best news of all --- I haven't seen a single "thick" upper lip hair for 2 months now! I say THICK as there could still be light strands of upper lip hair that I can't seem to see, but overall, I feel more confident and happy I don't need to have to worry about my "woman beard!"
For more information, visit
Feel free to book yourself an appointment 8892-7546 (SKIN)
Keep smilin'
Stay happy!