Showing posts with label Facial Center Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facial Center Review. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Why I Love Facial Care Centre's LaserLight Treatments

Remember when I shared to you AMW Friends my first Laserlight Underarms experience with Facial Care Centre

Well, I am hairfree on my underarms on my 7th treatment and I asked the therapist (randomly) if I can have my upperlip "Laserlight" too!  She said yes and guess what?  I booked myself a session immediately and here's what I have to say!

Just to refresh you ---
LaserLight Hair Removal painlessly, permanently, and safely reduces unwanted hair using the combination of the Gold Standard 810-nm diode and IN-Motion technology. Directly targets the hair follicles, preventing the growth of new hair, in a pain-free, comfortable treatment experience.

a photo of facial care centre laserlight treatment review

Firstly, you have to book yourself an appointment to have yourself checked if the treatment is right for you.  I showed my concern to the Professional before you dive into a treatment.  

I was told the LaserLight Upper Lip treatment would take longer than LaserLight Underarms (the latter would take approximately 6-8 treatments depending on your hair).  I am happy I was given a bit of expectation from the start so I signed up for it.

Although I have very good experience with LaserLight Underarms, I am still scared when any device is put on my face!  I was assured by the staff that it is very safe and comfortable and I can immediately go out with no down time.

True enough, if you check out my video, I did not flinch or move at all!  The staffs are super friendly and kept on checking with me if I am doing okay.  Best of all?  I don't feel any pain at all!  After the treatment, I do not see any skin redness, inflammation or allergic reactions!  The first treatment was great I booked my 2nd session a month after right away!

TIP:Do not wash your face or wear makeup within 24 hours after treatment.  The friction may cause allergic reaction on the sensitive area.

So now, as of writing, I've done 2 sessions and can't wait to go for my 3rd.  And here's the best news of all --- I haven't seen a single "thick" upper lip hair for 2 months now!  I say THICK as there could still be light strands of upper lip hair that I can't seem to see, but overall, I feel more confident and happy I don't need to have to worry about my "woman beard!" 

For more information, visit
Feel free to book yourself an appointment 8892-7546 (SKIN)

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

My Facial Care Centre Honey Almond Facial Experience

If you check out my previous Blog Posts, there are only a "few" facial services that I've tried.  I try to keep it as minimum as possible because I have sensitive skin and you guys know how difficult it is for my skin to "accept" new products.  

But, after a stressful month (May, please be extra good to me!), I realized that my skin was put into test!  Uneven spots are showing like redness on key areas of my face, small pimples are starting to show up from stress and bangs!  And most of all, can you see that uneven spots on my cheek even with makeup on?

I knew in my heart I'm not getting any younger, I need extra help and relaxation as well (a.k.a. Me Time!)  So I did some research on Facial Care Centre's services and decided to have them take care of my skin!

I've read and heard a couple of good reviews from fellow Beauty Blogging Friends --- Angela of raved about their services so I'm more secured to visit their BGC Branch last week.

I have to admit, I was extremely nervous, especially on one-on-one consultations!  I always felt like it wasn't consultation but more of sales-talk!  But with Facial Care Centre, it is indeed a personal consultation.

The Doctor takes time to listen to your skin issues and when I told her about my fear on peels, she promised me that we will start with something very gentle and safe.  Indeed, they will develop personalized skin care program based on individual's skin concerns --- Thank you for that!