Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2019

We Love to "Twin" !

Do you tend to do a bit of "Twinning" when you and your family?
I usually don't?  Because I have a son and you know fellow mommies how hard it is to "Twin" with your son especially when you live in the Philippines.  Unlike in other countries, there are so many clothing options to "twin".

Thankfully, I had a bit of "me" time shopping one fine weekend!  I stopped at a Giordano store and saw all these gorgeous Classic Giordano shirts and I immediately asked the SA available shades for both Daddy, Mommy and Son!  I was given 2 options, the yellow pieces or grey!  I went for the latter because I want something really classy that would work for our recent Swimming trip at Casa Primera Laguna!

We look cute with our matching Giordano pieces right?  Just for fun, I pulled out both Giordano top and bottom for ALL of us!  I love how put together we all look!

Friday, October 19, 2018

AMW Family's Amari Moments

The last time we took a professional Family Portrait was December 25, 2013 (Kyle was less than a year old back then!)  

I clearly remembered that day because it was a random thought to have a professional photo taken for his first birthday invites.  For the next few years, we took amateur photos with the help of family members and friends!  But to be honest, I wished we have at least one family portrait a year!  Because this kid is growing so fast I can't keep track!  

When photographer friend Myra Ho messaged me inviting my family to have our portraits taken by her at Amari Moments Studio in Tomas Morato, who can say no to that?  I've met Myra on several occasion during The Body Shop events and she always takes great photos!  

And this is just ONE out of the many great shots she produced!

Well 2, actually, MORE!

The studio can be easily found at Waze (Type Winland Tower).  The tower itself do not have parking slots but you can easily park in front of the building or beside the building.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Weekend Food Trip at: Mazendo + The Dessert Museum

I have been to Taiwan and tried their food, so when I saw Mazendo Restaurant, hailed as Taiwan's Best Beef Noodle soup, I had to drag my family to dine there after The Dessert Museum family bonding.  

If you are on a rush, yes, it is worth the visit!  And double yes, it is authentic!

Let's start with the appetizers that makes people come back for more!

Pan-Fried Pork Dumplings

Though the bottom side was up when it was served, I had this clueless look, why would they offer me a paper?

Thankfully, it wasn't a paper, the bottom side is made of "wrap" fried neatly so you can actually eat it together with the dumplings! Yummy as you get an extra crisp!  Extra will always be good!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Why I Love Aureo La Union

A lot of you who follow me on Social Media probably saw that I spent a couple of days in Aureo La Union with my family after my birthday.  It was a nice post-birthday celebration with my family and it was a good breather to be out of the city!

Aureo Resort is located in the heart of La Union and it took us a good 4-hour drive going there (thanks NLEX and TPLEX!)

Let me tell you just SOME of the many reasons why I love it there.

I did say it took us 4-hour long drive but it was the easiest drive for us (I like the drive going there better than Tagaytay as it is less congested, just make sure to travel off-peak hours)

Located at San Fernando, you can easily find it there via Waze.  You won't miss this sign!

And if you're the type who loves to go surfing or maybe food trip in La Union?  You can easily drive for about 30 minutes and you are there at San Juan, La Union.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day, Mommies!

"Am I ready for motherhood?"
Well, I used to think I have an answer.  I told everyone I love kids and would be ready as early as 18!  (thankfully, di naman nangyari yon hahaha)  But that very moment I gave birth, I finally knew what to say when faced with that question.

"You'll never be ready."

Even with that cute cheeky, toothless smile.  You may never be ready for sleepless nights.  You will never be ready for that constant worry whenever your little angel gets sick or whenever they cry.  You will never be ready when your heart breaks into many pieces when they hurt themselves or when you have to bring them to a hospital for an emergency.  Oh God, I will never be ready for that!
On the brighter side, you will be surprised on how much UNCONDITIONAL LOVE you feel.  You will realize how much LOVE your heart can give.

Truthfully, the joys and pains of being a parent.  Especially a mom.