Showing posts with label Mom fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mom fashion. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Green on green Casual Wear

I used to dislike long skirts as they make me feel small!  But fast forward to growing older - way older - and maybe a huge change in fashion on how people are more open to different fashion style.  I find myself leaning more on to long, flowy skirts as opposed to short skirts which I used to love years back.  

I have to thank Motherhood for that.  Motherhood changed not only my outlook in life but also my fashion style.  I always wear clothes that can make me move freely.  Yes, even with an 11 year old, I still need the energy and freedom to move around because BOYS will always be BOYS :) 

Green on green Casual Wear with SM Fashion and Skechers footwear

During the summer, I enrolled my son to a Kiddie Chef program at TGIFridays and I was there daily to watch over him.  That said, it was a trial and error method as well for me in fashion sense to try styles I haven't tried before.

Because waistcoat is a thing year 2024, I picked my favorite waistcoat I bought from SM Department Store and paired it with a green long skirt which I bought from a bazaar.

Green on green Casual Wear with SM Fashion and Skechers footwear

Paired my super comfy Skechers flats, I kinda like this look a lot and would totally repeat this look!

Green on green Casual Wear with SM Fashion and Skechers footwear

It's comfortable, I don't have to worry about legs showing whenever I sit down - high chair or sofa or even if I squat to help out my son, I felt comfortable enough to say - I am a cool yet fashionable mom!

That's how I felt and confidence is key to a successful look!

Green on green Casual Wear with SM Fashion and Skechers footwear

How do you like this look?

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Apple & Eve Casual Dress


How does it feel to work for 12-hours straight doing various hairstyles for a shoot?
I told myself I need several cups of coffee, yummy food and a super comfortable dress.  And I picked this from Apple & Eve!

This is the Apple & Eve Asymmetrical Micro Print Shirt Dress Php2,699.00 and I got it in size Small.  The fit is quite big giving room for movement and this would work even as a cute maternity dress!

It was one of the most comfortable and stylish dress this even made it to the photoshoot!  it was originally not intended but it looks cute on camera so why not?

I also paired it with my favorite comfy Dr. Kong Shoes.

How do you like this look?  Is it a Yay or Nay?

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Fashion: All White with a touch of Hot Pink

 I remember seeing my mom in her 40's in pants ALL her life until the time of writing.  She is very conscious of her varicose veins and I wished she would wear more shorts and skirts because she has gorgeous legs!  Perfectly shapes, very flawless --- my sister and I would always tell her that she's got the best pair of legs among us - screw varicose veins but I cannot force my super conservative mom.

Growing up with that in mind, I have told myself I'd wear more shorts, skirts and expose my legs as much as I can before I end up having varicose veins!  I do have some on my feet but who cares right?  I am so grateful to be born in this era where Self-Love and Confidence is the best form of love for oneself.

That is such a long intro for just an outfit post *laughs*  I hope you accept my apology but #sorrynotsorry here :P  I randomly picked this outfit on a cooler weather when me and my husband headed out for a lunch date.  I wanted something comfortable and to protect myself when I tend to get cold inside an air-conditioned restaurant or mall and an outfit where I can easily remove my outer sweater when it gets hot.

Welcome to the Philippines - where our weather has an attitude! 

Shorts: Love Bonito
Pink Top: Shopee
White knit sweather: Lazada
Bag: Coccinele available via Zalora 

It is very important to invest on cute belts as it can create that old money vibe!  
Mas posh di ba? 
White belt from Shopee

Friday, April 12, 2024

Pink and Red is my New Black and White!

 I am back with my favorite OOTD combo!  Blush pink and bright red!  

I have this red skort from Plains & Prints for some time and it was my best purchase and most used skort as of the moment.  As part of a Chinese community who uses a lot of bright reds for EVERY SINGLE Birthdays that we celebrate, I wanted to look a bit different this time for my sister's 50th birthday!

The shoes has been receiving compliments as well on my Instagram post and I am proud to say, I was able to squeeze my way to get this last pair in Dr. Kong Hong Kong!

My bag has been with me for years, it's from Anello and bought to me by my dearie Husband Mr. AMW because he knew I tend to use and abuse my daily bags and he was right!  Every single scent iw worth it!

Please do not think I am at Starbucks without coffee!  The Venti coffee is already in my stomach and the apple juice is Kyle's!  :)

Hope you like my cheerful OOTD as it feels as comfortable as it looks!

Have a great Friday!

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Love Bonito First Haul


I've been seeing Love Bonito Hauls online for so long.  I've been meaning to shop but I am so lazy to worry about the right size so I pushed the thought aside.

Thankfully, because of their biggest mid-year sale, I've decided to give it a go this month and guess what?  I AM SO HAPPY WITH MY FIRST PURCHASE there are 2 deliveries scheduled to deliver because I was hooked!

Love Bonito Mid Year 6.6 sale

:Please forgive my crumpled OOTDs.  I literally wore this when I "unboxed" my newly arrived package!  It took me around a week to get this order but for SALE season, you have to be patient as it will take longer time for them to fulfill your orders!

Back to my OOTD!

Outfit 1: Sandrine Twist Strap 
Size: Medium
Good quality cloth with pockets!  The color is unique and nice and would work for black, brown or even white belts!  Check my next OOTDs!

Love Bonito Mid Year 6.6 sale

with White Belt

Love Bonito Mid Year 6.6 sale

with Brown Belt

Monday, January 31, 2022

OOTD: White Tee + White Legged High Waist Pants


Happy Monday!

How’s Chinese New Year treating you?  It is the Year of the Tiger tomorrow and things get busier on my side of the world!  I mean there’s me waking up really early in the morning for my son’s online school, and there’s me as a working girl!  Yes, I still have work which I heavily do online!  

I used to be scared to wear white tees especially white sando shirts  - why? WHITE shows off my folds and fats more!  They go on tight on my body shape and I am not tht confident with my body shape no matter how much of an exerciser I am - well, I used to really go crazy boxing but now I do mostly weight lifting, cardio and random Kettelball exercises at home.  

Not saying I have a gorgeous sexy body now but I felt the confidence I have because of…age! :P

So anyways for someone who is very busy to do 360 degrees change for a quick online meeting, I use and reuse loungwear mixing and matching it with key pieces to look professional.

Just like this particular look!

A white H&M Sando which I love to wear at home (translation: PAMBAHAY) and I just change my pambahay shorts with my high waist, white legged pants which I got from Vero Moda on sale!  This pants are so nice and very professional-looking, I would totally wear this with a nice blazer when I go to an office but for now, it is just my trustee plain white top and this long pants.  

Acessories with maybe a necklace and bracelet and that would be perfect!  What do you think?

Monday, June 14, 2021

Black Jumpsuit OOTD


I don’t know about you but wearing jumpsuits are DIFFICULT!  Especially for moms who are always on -the-go.  As much as I complain about it, I have ore than 10 pcs of Jumpsuits (different colors and designs) in my closet!

As much as they are hard if you tend to pee a lot (sorry TMI), I like how easy it is to not worry about matching your tops and bottoms!  You can just pick a piece and off you go with the right pair of footwear!

This black number is my favorite because it is black, it has ribbons and zipper at the back!  I like to pair this simple black jumpsuit with a dainty ribbon!  Wearing my hair up will accentuate the design of the jumpsuit! What do you think?

I like wearing heels with this for a more formal event and rubber shoes when I am on a run for chores.  At home I also like to wear this because the top looks formal enough for sudden Zoom meetings.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Orange You Glad You....


... you met me?

Well I am glad to have everyone here on  Through the years, there are so many ups and downs happening in my life and you can read them all here!  Mostly product reviews but I insert some personal matters once in a while and I thank YOU for being here.  

Who would’ve thought I started Blogging at the age of 27 and I am now 42 years old?

From a single girl to engaged, married and turning into a mom!  Wow, whoevere gets to read this years after, I hope you know that this Blog made me so happy!  This blog helped me through so many challenges in life and I hope you understand that having problems are normal, it is how we handle our problems matter!

So I felt like a teacher weraing this Orange long dress which I bought in Hong Kong and nevere got to wear this because I have been saving this for a nice occasion!  All thanks (or no thanks) to Corona Virus —- only my husband and son can see me wearing this pricey dress!  So a little bit of ROI - showcasing it here on my blog for more people to see! Hahahah

Have you tried wearing bright colored dresses like this?  
I usually wear bright colored dresses in shorter format - rompers or probably short skirted dresses!  This is a first and I am actually loving it!

How do you feel about my not-so-Nikki OOTD today?

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Happy Lunar Year of the Metal Ox!


Serving you some reds and style for the year of the Metal Ox!

I am full blooded Chinese (Both parents are Chinese) and to be exact, both sides are Cantonese so yes - full blooded Cantonese but born and raised in the Philippines so I am accustomed to both cultures and traditions.

Up until this very day, we follow Chinese traditions and celebrations and the Lunar New Year is one of the most important celebration!

We may have some changes and not be as strict as my grandparents’ times - I won’t be able to wear that black belt with my Lolo and Lola around!  

Photo of Nikki Tiu of

Born on the Year of the Goat, we were told the year of the Metal Ox is not compatible people born on the Year of the Goat, but I am quite positive these are just guides and I am in charge of my own happiness, success, failures.  

A photo of Nikki Tiu of

How 2021 will look like?

We all can’t tell, no one can!  But I pray for your constant peace, happiness, good health and fortune!

Happy Lunar New Year AMW Friends!

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

Friday, January 29, 2021

How to Change Your Look with Bags + Livestream + Giveaway!


Today at 5:00pm, I have to honor to talk about my favorite Beside U bags, a bag I highly recommend not only for travel but for fellow moms and busy girls in general!  Actually, these bags are perfect for all ages and gender!  Aside from that, I will be sharing tips about the Lunar New Year and how these bags are perfect to jumpstart a better Year of the Ox!  

Please tune in as I will be giving away 5 Beside U bags during the livestream! 

U’ve got 3 types of bags which I have been using depending on my mood, my outfit and my destination.  A backpack, a sling bag (that can transform to a fanny pack) and a pouch!

I have shared a quick transition video on how I change my bags and footwear and everything changed!  No outfit changes - just accessories!  How do you like these looks?  Which one is your favorite?

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Style Series: Fashionable Mom


Hi AMW Friends!
It is yet another fashion post once again!  And aside from that, I want to update you guys that I colored my hair.  Well, not me, my husband colored my hair using L'Oreal Paris Excellence Cream Triple Care hair Color in 5.15 Frosted Light.

I don't know why this is even called Frosted Light as it came out dark on me but I guess my previous hair color was a bit too light that's why this turned out differently.  But I am not complaining, this product DOES cover gray hair!

Now back to my Style Photo.  This was my outfit during my son's Trick or Treat activity.  The top is my favorite because I can bend and run and walk around without having to worry about anything yet the texture of the clothing is comfortable enough for me to move.

As for my pants, well, I live in a tropical country, this peek-a-boo pants was supposed to be worn on a pool or beach trip but since we are staying in most days, I may as well wear it as much as I can!

fashion for moms

How do you like this look?

fashion for moms

What's your favorite loungewear?

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Style Series: Work from home, Workout from home


The first few months of lockdown, I got so much time on my hands!  I honestly was staring in blank space (literally) and counting the hours how time flew by extremely slow.  I even got the chance to workout for an hour or more and change into my cute gym clothes.

On second wave of lockdown/quarantine, especially when Kyle goes back to online school, I find myself always on a run!  I don't have enough time to sit down for a breather..worst...I only get to drink my coffee standing up (which is an ultimate shocker since I love to take my time when it comes to coffee!)

Stay from home OOTD you say?

I am purchasing comfortable tank tops (with bra pads so I can go bra-less) TMI (I know!)  and comfy shorts that are okay enough to wear as loungewear and won't be a hassle when I suddenly do lunges in between tasks!

Yes, that's me!  I have to admit, there were days I just lay down on the sofa and take a quick cat nap but there are days I am dragging my big ass to do some sit ups, arms and leg workouts well-spread throughout the weak!  Yes spread out as I can only give at least 15-20 minutes of my time for these.

Top: Forever21 Workout Top
Shorts: From Trendsetters

workout from home

I missed the active boxing days, I missed going to the gym and talk to someone while I punch - but hey, we make do what we can.  We stay positive and try to incorporate normal activities even if it is more challenging than usual.  At the end of the day, a bit of movement or exercise will still up that happy hormones!  I know because I crave for that!

What's your loungewear nowadays?

Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

Friday, May 24, 2019

We Love to "Twin" !

Do you tend to do a bit of "Twinning" when you and your family?
I usually don't?  Because I have a son and you know fellow mommies how hard it is to "Twin" with your son especially when you live in the Philippines.  Unlike in other countries, there are so many clothing options to "twin".

Thankfully, I had a bit of "me" time shopping one fine weekend!  I stopped at a Giordano store and saw all these gorgeous Classic Giordano shirts and I immediately asked the SA available shades for both Daddy, Mommy and Son!  I was given 2 options, the yellow pieces or grey!  I went for the latter because I want something really classy that would work for our recent Swimming trip at Casa Primera Laguna!

We look cute with our matching Giordano pieces right?  Just for fun, I pulled out both Giordano top and bottom for ALL of us!  I love how put together we all look!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Starting the Week Right

Everybody thinks Monday is the most stressful day of the week.
Not for me, Monday is actually the most relaxing day of my week because the crazy busy schedule starts on a Tuesday!  

Traffic is crazier, the schedule of my son and my work schedule gets packed on a TUESDAY.  Well it starts on a Tuesday and goes crazier by the week.

So yes, I took the effort to write a blogpost about it because, Today is TUESDAY and I need a huge hug!

For style, I make sure I look made-up yet feels comfortable from head to toe!  Check out one of my favorite default look for a busy mom/working girl.

The top I got from a bazaar and I love outfit that looks really simple in front yet gives a lasting impression at the back (hopefully not pneumonia! hahaha)

Paired this top with a simple light blue jeans from Uniqlo.  I love Uniqlo I swear and this is my favorite jeans to date I've been wearing this on a weekly basis!  

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

On-The-Go Mom Fashion

What do I wear when I know I'll be meeting up a very important client at the same time I need to take my son to school? 

Wear something very comfortable yet chic!  I ended up going for "block colored" outfit but there's always something "Nikki" in all my style!

But first, I need a good cup of coffee!  My favorite is Cafe Latte in Low fat milk (no sugar).

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Dr. Kong Shoes For Mommy and Son

I've seen Dr. Kong Shoes stores several times but never thought of going in the stores to try out their shoes.  Why?  Because based from experience, those footwear brands who market themselves to be super comfortable are mostly uncomfortable!  

Because I have always been very particular about my footwear of choice, I have to thank Yen Dreyfus for inviting me to Dr. Kong's 6th Birthday Party with my son!  Because through her, I get to understand and try the brand that both me and my son are starting to love and seriously depend on!

AskMeMom and Kyle Nash wearing Dr. Kong Shoes
a photo of Dr. Kong Healthy Shoes Askmewhats

Dr. Kong Healthy Shoes Shop is known for their "Check and Fit" foot examination and insole fitting service. 
a photo of Dr. Kong Healthy Shoes Askmewhats

I was able to try this during the event.  Nothing complicated, all you need to do is stand on top of this "machine" and I will know my feet condition for the sales staff to recommend the most suitable pair of shoes!