After 3 times in a span of 1.5 years to TRIM my own hair, I was at the “longest hair” state and I just can’t take it anymore —- well not me, my ends can’t take it anymore and I am having a lot of hard time drying my hair at night! So I took the plunge.
From this…
To This!
After every haircut that took at least 3 inches away from my head —- this time it was 4 inches…I usually have a sense of regret but not this time! My head felt so light and I honestly like the “body” because of the extra layers I put! I only need to curl the ends like what I did for the after photo for layers to show.
Me, I have been busy for almost 2 years! Busy with house work (no househelp by the way), busy with cooking, tutoring and work! I thank God I still have work to do at the comfort of my home.
Since we are very particular with safety, we are staying home since March 2020 and I only get to go out when I visit my parents! That said, haircut for both my boys are done at our home — all thanks to my TALENT *laughs*
I did studied hairstyling years ago but to be honest, I’ve got no practice, I only got the basics discussed to me but I didn’t get the chance to practice on real people because…. How many people are willing to be a guinea pig #realtalk ?
Because of the lockdown, I started to cut my dad’s hair, bringing my expensive clipper to my parents’ home and left it there. I was left without a clipper at my own home and was cutting my Husband’s and son’s hair using only scissors!
GOODNESS, if you think that was easy, it is VERY VERY HARD!
I finally went online an purchased a new clipper set but it was the more inexpensive kind so I wasn’t that impressed! Thankfully, HAIRMNL offers high quality clippers good for professional use! I am in no way professional so I can say, this new found device can be used by regular Janes and Joes with practice!
Before and After
I am honestly not confident still after a year plus but I like it that I have improved a lot!
For reference, this was the exact brand and model I used in the video below! Click link HERE.
JRL FreshFade1040 Professional Clipper available at
I hope you learned something from me! My sister actually called me to tell me she learned so much from this short tutorial and actually did a better cut to my pamangkin! YAY! I hope you learn something from this as well!
Do you cut your son and husband’s hair?
How do you feel about using a clipper?
For legit and genuine hair products, visit
If you follow me on social media recently, you’ll see that this curtain-bangs girl suddenly h as a headful of bangs! *LOL*
This isn’t new to me and don’t ask me about feeling uneasy! I have been a long-time full bangs girl so there isn’t any huge change as of the moment! This is how I look like from Gradeschool to College. And it’s nice to enjoy full bangs again because of the cooler weather! I just felt so… young! :)
(I said “felt” don’t come back to me with a bash ok?) :P
The full bangs look is perfect for those who have high forehead - ahem, me!
Those who have full cheeks or face - ahem, ahem, ME!
If you don’t want to commit on full bangs, try curtain bangs or wispy bangs! Or if you want to check if this look works for you, you can always purchase inexpensive clip bangs!
It is VERY difficult to cut your own hair even for someone who has haircutting background. I am in no way a Professional Haircutter but I student haircutting basic a few years back (more than 10 years ago before I studied makeup artistry).
I originally thought I wasted my time and money but who would have thought a decade after I would put this learnings in good use?
Since COVID-19 happened, I have been cutting my husband's and son's hair since March 2020. After months of feeling irritated with my dry ends, I have decided to cut my own hair and take a video doing it so you guys can check it out if I can manage to do so.
I've done a poll and a lot of my #AMWFriends suggested to have my hair cut short but I am honestly enjoying my long hairstyle because I can do a lot of hairstyling practice from updo styles to curling! I have no one to practice with so I may as well use my own hair!
Fast forward to my decision to trim and fix the layers of my hair, I have also shared some basic layering tips at the start of the video! Feel free to watch the basic rules and skip the rest if you are too lazy to watch! But at least, watch the first few minutes because that is where I gave the basic knowledge on layering!
I know a lot of you are shaking your head saying : "I am NO professional! I cannot do it!"
There's no forcing there, you may still go out to a salon and have your hair cut by a professional, it is less stressful that way but I wanted to stay at home, lessen the chances of exposure to the virus plus, I am actually intrigued to know if I can actually do this! I mean, I was born with a sponge - I just want to keep on learning!
Without further's my first haircut to myself and I think I've done a good job! What do you think?
Here's the quick video! Happy Learning!
If you have done your own haircut (or your family's) using this video! I would really appreciate it if you let me know! :D
How does having a good hair day feels on a daily basis?
That's why when it comes to haircut, I don't second guess! I may go on different salons for a "trim" but when I wanted a better hairstyle (a.k.a. good layering in my dictionary) I'll go for Tony & Jackey anytime of the day.
Long time readers would know I always go to my favorite hairstylist Misty from Tony and Jackey SM San Lazaro branch! But who would've thought my favorite salon has something more to offer especially for the coming years?
Bangs Prime is the name you should remember!
Bangs Prime is a more "premier" version of the Tony & Jackey salon we knew from more than a decade ago. The salon still offer the Korean way of hair service they've known for! From Hair Perm, Hair Color, Rebond, Hair Manicure and Haircut.
And I have to try their service from the branch recently opened at SM Megamall.
That's me and my lifeless hair after all the hair coloring!
After checking out my hair, I was told that Mucota Scena Clinic Treatment (Php3,000) is something I should try.
Mucota Treatment is a series of hair treatment that will help liven up your dry and dull hair at the same time, soften the hair strands and make them smoother and shinier for a month or so. (depending on how you take care of it post treatment)
When was the last time I visited a salon?
I can't seem to remember! My hair length as of the moment is probably the longest I've had for the past 10 years. Not a choice by the way! But it is because for the fact that I don't have time to pamper myself!
On weekdays, I'm doing my Consultant job in an Executive Search firm, in between hours I attend events and meet up with clients for meetings. On a weekend, I'm usually out for a workshop or off prettifying someone. On Sundays, that's a family day, as much as possible I free it up to visit my family so that (kinda) is the summary of how my life is since I became a mom!
Again, not complaining there! But my hair probably is!
Vivere Salon recently invited me for an event but I can't seem to pry myself away from my son on that day because no one will look after him! Thankfully, the Vivere Salon team are nice enough to give me a Saturday Slot at the branch of my choice! I chose Robinsons Manila because that is nearer to where I live.